My 2019 Word of the Year: Joy
Happy New Year, babes! 🥳 I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your friends and family. Angel and I spent a quiet Christmas at home and made a surprise visit to my parent’s house for the new year. It was awesome!
Last year was the first year that I picked a word of the year instead of making new year’s resolutions. I liked that I could apply the word to all aspects of my life versus making a list of resolutions that never got looked at. There was a point and time that I forgot all about my word of the year, but when I circled back to reflect on 2018, there were a lot of areas in my life where I remembered to apply my word without realizing it. Learn more about the One Little Word concept on Ali Edward’s website.
As I brainstormed different words for 2019, I kept coming back to the word joy. I let it sit for a few days because I didn’t want to jump into the first word that came to mind. That was until I started hearing and seeing it everywhere. I already knew the definition of joy, but I looked it up for inspiration and came up with this:
“Joy (noun): A state of happiness. A source or cause of delight. ”
This needed to be my 2019 word of the year.
For those of you that know me IRL, you know that I worry a lot. Mostly about things I cannot control and that worry blocks me from enjoying a lot of the good things that come my way.
In 2019, I want to replace my worry with joy. I want to:
Find joy in drawing closer to God by reading His word and praying.
Do the best I can at my job without worrying that I need to be or do more.
Enjoy wedding planning with my fiancé, friends and family.
Find joy in the mundane tasks that life brings.
Make time to do more of the things that bring me joy.
2019 is going to be my year to live the heck out joy! I feel like this year’s word chose me and i’m so glad it did.